If you would like to join Educators Retired Club of the Villages Florida, click "Contact Us" and provide your name and contact information to the Web Master.
You may bring your Membership Application to our next meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact the WebMaster for further instructions.
The ER Club of The Villages Florida meets the second Tuesday of each month, 1:30 PM, at the Canal Street Recreation Center sans June, July, & August.
Educators Retired Club of The Villages
Membership Application
Name __________________________________
Mailing Address ______________________ Name of Village _____________ Zip Code ______
Phone _____________________ Cell Phone ____________________
Email ______________________________
Please check one:
__Full time resident? (Lives in The Villages most of the time.) __Seasonal resident? (In The Villages for a few months every winter.) __Monthly Resident? (In The Villages for only a month or two.) __Other? Please explain ________________________________
Where were you working when you retired?
City _____________________ State __________
What was your job?
Teacher ___ Administrator ___ Counselor ___ Other ________________________
The Educators Retired Club meets at 1:30 on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. No meetings are scheduled during June, July, and August. Usually one or two “field trips” are offered during the year. Watch for notices about the ER Club in the Daily Sun Recreation News on Thursdays and on our web site at
Meeting reminders and notices of upcoming events are sent by email at least once a month. If you do not receive the emails, please notify us by email at
The purposes of the ER Club:
To promote social relationships among its members
To promote the professional interest of educators
To support education
To encourage member participation in educational service endeavors
2023 Annual dues for ER club-$10.00
Checks should be made payable to ER Club of The Villages.